This perpetual calendar shows the future dates of contests that have predictable dates. Select the desired year from the drop-down list then click on the Go button to see the schedule for any year through 2033. For a complete list of contests, use the 12-Month Calendar, available through the link above.

January 2024
+ AGB New Year Snowball Contest0000Z-0100Z, Jan 1
+ SARTG New Year RTTY Contest0800Z-1100Z, Jan 1
+ AGCW Happy New Year Contest0900Z-1200Z, Jan 1
+ AGCW VHF/UHF Contest1400Z-1800Z, Jan 1
+ ARS Spartan Sprint0100Z-0300Z, Jan 2
+ PODXS 070 Club PSKFest0000Z-2359Z, Jan 6
+ Marconi Club ARI Loano QSO Party Day0700Z-2100Z, Jan 6
+ WW PMC Contest1200Z, Jan 6 to 1200Z, Jan 7
+ ARRL Kids Day1800Z-2359Z, Jan 6
+ ARRL RTTY Roundup1800Z, Jan 6 to 2359Z, Jan 7
+ EUCW 160m Contest2000Z, Jan 6 to 0700Z, Jan 7
+ YB DX Contest0000Z-2359Z, Jan 13
+ UBA PSK63 Prefix Contest1200Z, Jan 13 to 1200Z, Jan 14
+ SKCC Weekend Sprintathon1200Z, Jan 13 to 2359Z, Jan 14
+ North American QSO Party, CW1800Z, Jan 13 to 0559Z, Jan 14
+ NRAU-Baltic Contest, SSB0630Z-0830Z, Jan 14
+ DARC 10-Meter Contest0900Z-1059Z, Jan 14
+ NRAU-Baltic Contest, CW0900Z-1100Z, Jan 14
+ 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint0100Z-0300Z, Jan 15
+ NTC QSO Party1900Z-2000Z, Jan 18
+ PRO Digi Contest1200Z, Jan 20 to 1159Z, Jan 21
+ Hungarian DX Contest1200Z, Jan 20 to 1159Z, Jan 21
+ North American QSO Party, SSB1800Z, Jan 20 to 0559Z, Jan 21
+ ARRL January VHF Contest1900Z, Jan 20 to 0359Z, Jan 22
+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest2300Z, Jan 21 to 0100Z, Jan 22
+ SKCC Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Jan 24
+ CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW2200Z, Jan 26 to 2200Z, Jan 28
+ REF Contest, CW0600Z, Jan 27 to 1800Z, Jan 28
+ BARTG RTTY Sprint1200Z, Jan 27 to 1200Z, Jan 28
+ UBA DX Contest, SSB1300Z, Jan 27 to 1300Z, Jan 28
+ Winter Field Day1900Z, Jan 27 to 1900Z, Jan 28
February 2024
+ Vermont QSO Party0000Z, Feb 3 to 2359Z, Feb 4
+ 10-10 Int. Winter Contest, SSB0001Z, Feb 3 to 2359Z, Feb 4
+ Mexico RTTY International Contest1200Z, Feb 3 to 2359Z, Feb 4
+ European Union DX Contest1200Z, Feb 3 to 1200Z, Feb 4
+ FYBO Winter QRP Sprint1400Z-2359Z, Feb 3
+ Minnesota QSO Party1400Z-2359Z, Feb 3
+ AGCW Straight Key Party1600Z-1900Z, Feb 3
+ British Columbia QSO Party1600Z, Feb 3 to 2359Z, Feb 4
+ North American Sprint, CW0000Z-0359Z, Feb 4
+ ARS Spartan Sprint0100Z-0300Z, Feb 6
+ CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest0000Z, Feb 10 to 2359Z, Feb 11
+ SARL Field Day Contest1000Z, Feb 10 to 1000Z, Feb 11
+ Asia-Pacific Spring Sprint, CW1100Z-1300Z, Feb 10
+ Dutch PACC Contest1200Z, Feb 10 to 1200Z, Feb 11
+ SKCC Weekend Sprintathon1200Z, Feb 10 to 2359Z, Feb 11
+ KCJ Topband Contest1200Z, Feb 10 to 1200Z, Feb 11
+ CQC Winter QSO Party0100Z-0259Z, Feb 11
+ 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint0100Z-0300Z, Feb 12
+ ARRL School Club Roundup1300Z, Feb 12 to 2359Z, Feb 16
+ PODXS 070 Club Valentine Sprint0000Z-2359Z, Feb 14
+ NTC QSO Party1900Z-2000Z, Feb 15
+ ARRL Inter. DX Contest, CW0000Z, Feb 17 to 2359Z, Feb 18
+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest2300Z, Feb 18 to 0100Z, Feb 19
+ AGCW Semi-Automatic Key Evening1900Z-2030Z, Feb 21
+ CQ 160-Meter Contest, SSB2200Z, Feb 23 to 2200Z, Feb 25
+ REF Contest, SSB0600Z, Feb 24 to 1800Z, Feb 25
+ UBA DX Contest, CW1300Z, Feb 24 to 1300Z, Feb 25
+ South Carolina QSO Party1500Z, Feb 24 to 0159Z, Feb 25
+ North American QSO Party, RTTY1800Z, Feb 24 to 0559Z, Feb 25
+ High Speed Club CW Contest1400Z-1700Z, Feb 25
+ North Carolina QSO Party1500Z, Feb 25 to 0100Z, Feb 26
+ SKCC Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Feb 28
March 2024
+ ARRL Inter. DX Contest, SSB0000Z, Mar 2 to 2359Z, Mar 3
+ Novice Rig Roundup0000Z, Mar 2 to 2359Z, Mar 10
+ Wake-Up! QRP Sprint0600Z-0800Z, Mar 2
+ Open Ukraine RTTY Championship1800Z, Mar 2 to 1359Z, Mar 3
+ SARL Hamnet 40m Simulated Emerg Contest1200Z-1400Z, Mar 3
+ NSARA Contest1200Z-2200Z, Mar 3
+ ARS Spartan Sprint0100Z-0300Z, Mar 5
+ AGCW YL-CW Party1900Z-2100Z, Mar 5
+ YB DX RTTY Contest0000Z-2359Z, Mar 9
+ RSGB Commonwealth (BERU) Contest1000Z, Mar 9 to 1000Z, Mar 10
+ SKCC Weekend Sprintathon1200Z, Mar 9 to 2359Z, Mar 10
+ EA PSK63 Contest1200Z, Mar 9 to 1200Z, Mar 10
+ AGCW QRP Contest1400Z-2000Z, Mar 9
+ Stew Perry Topband Challenge1500Z, Mar 9 to 1500Z, Mar 10
+ Oklahoma QSO Party1500Z, Mar 9 to 2100Z, Mar 10
+ Idaho QSO Party1900Z, Mar 9 to 1900Z, Mar 10
+ North American Sprint, RTTY0000Z-0359Z, Mar 10
+ Wisconsin QSO Party1800Z, Mar 10 to 0100Z, Mar 11
+ 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Mar 11
+ PODXS 070 Club St Patrick's Day Contest0000Z-2359Z, Mar 16
+ BARTG HF RTTY Contest0200Z, Mar 16 to 0159Z, Mar 18
+ Russian DX Contest1200Z, Mar 16 to 1200Z, Mar 17
+ AGCW VHF/UHF Contest1400Z-1800Z, Mar 16
+ Virginia QSO Party1400Z, Mar 16 to 2359Z, Mar 17
+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest2300Z, Mar 17 to 0100Z, Mar 18
+ Bucharest Digital Contest1800Z-2059Z, Mar 18
+ NTC QSO Party1900Z-2000Z, Mar 21
+ FOC QSO Party0000Z-2359Z, Mar 23
+ SKCC Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Mar 27
+ CQ WW WPX Contest, SSB0000Z, Mar 30 to 2359Z, Mar 31
April 2024
+ ARS Spartan Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Apr 2
+ SARL 80m QSO Party1700Z-2000Z, Apr 4
+ PODXS 070 Club PSK 31 Flavors Contest1000Z, Apr 6 to 0400Z, Apr 7
+ Louisiana QSO Party1400Z, Apr 6 to 0200Z, Apr 7
+ SP DX Contest1500Z, Apr 6 to 1500Z, Apr 7
+ QRP ARCI Spring QSO Party0000Z-0600Z, Apr 13
+ JIDX CW Contest0700Z, Apr 13 to 1300Z, Apr 14
+ SKCC Weekend Sprintathon1200Z, Apr 13 to 2359Z, Apr 14
+ IG-RY World Wide RTTY Contest1200Z, Apr 13 to 1800Z, Apr 14
+ New Mexico QSO Party1400Z, Apr 13 to 0200Z, Apr 14
+ Georgia QSO Party1800Z, Apr 13 to 2359Z, Apr 14
+ Hungarian Straight Key Contest1500Z-1600Z, Apr 14
+ 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Apr 15
+ NTC QSO Party1900Z-2000Z, Apr 18
+ Holyland DX Contest2100Z, Apr 19 to 2059Z, Apr 20
+ ES Open HF Championship0500Z-0859Z, Apr 20
+ Worked All Provinces of China DX Contest0600Z, Apr 20 to 0559Z, Apr 21
+ Dutch PACCdigi Contest0700Z-1900Z, Apr 20
+ YU DX Contest0700Z, Apr 20 to 0659Z, Apr 21
+ QRP to the Field0800 local-1800 local, Apr 20
+ CQMM DX Contest0900Z, Apr 20 to 2359Z, Apr 21
+ Michigan QSO Party1600Z, Apr 20 to 0400Z, Apr 21
+ Ontario QSO Party1800Z, Apr 20 to 1800Z, Apr 21
+ Quebec QSO Party1200Z-2200Z, Apr 21
+ ARRL Rookie Roundup, SSB1800Z-2359Z, Apr 21
+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest2300Z, Apr 21 to 0100Z, Apr 22
+ SKCC Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Apr 24
+ 10-10 Int. Spring Contest, Digital0001Z, Apr 27 to 2359Z, Apr 28
+ SP DX RTTY Contest1200Z, Apr 27 to 1200Z, Apr 28
+ Helvetia Contest1300Z, Apr 27 to 1259Z, Apr 28
+ Florida QSO Party1600Z, Apr 27 to 2159Z, Apr 28
+ BARTG Sprint 751700Z-2059Z, Apr 28
May 2024
+ AGCW QRP/QRP Party1300Z-1900Z, May 1
+ 10-10 Int. Spring Contest, CW0001Z, May 4 to 2359Z, May 5
+ RCC Cup0300Z-0859Z, May 4
+ SBMS 2.3 GHz and Up Contest and Club Challenge0600 local, May 4 to 2359 local, May 5
+ ARI International DX Contest1200Z, May 4 to 1159Z, May 5
+ 7th Call Area QSO Party1300Z, May 4 to 0700Z, May 5
+ Indiana QSO Party1500Z, May 4 to 0300Z, May 5
+ Delaware QSO Party1700Z, May 4 to 2359Z, May 5
+ New England QSO Party2000Z, May 4 to 2359Z, May 5
+ MIE 33 Contest2300Z, May 4 to 0300Z, May 5
+ ARS Spartan Sprint0000Z-0200Z, May 7
+ VOLTA WW RTTY Contest1200Z, May 11 to 1200Z, May 12
+ CQ-M International DX Contest1200Z, May 11 to 1159Z, May 12
+ SKCC Weekend Sprintathon1200Z, May 11 to 2359Z, May 12
+ 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint0000Z-0200Z, May 13
+ NTC QSO Party1900Z-2000Z, May 16
+ NZART Sangster Shield Contest0800Z, May 18 to 1100Z, May 19
+ His Maj. King of Spain Contest, CW1200Z, May 18 to 1200Z, May 19
+ EU PSK DX Contest1200Z, May 18 to 1200Z, May 19
+ Arkansas QSO Party1400Z, May 18 to 0200Z, May 19
+ Baltic Contest2100Z, May 18 to 0200Z, May 19
+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest2300Z, May 19 to 0100Z, May 20
+ SKCC Sprint0000Z-0200Z, May 22
+ CQ WW WPX Contest, CW0000Z, May 25 to 2359Z, May 26
+ QRP ARCI Hootowl Sprint0000Z-0100Z, May 27
+ PODXS 070 Club Three Day Weekend Contest0000Z, May 31 to 2359Z, Jun 2
June 2024
+ 10-10 Int. Open Season PSK Contest0000Z, Jun 1 to 2359Z, Jun 2
+ Tisza Cup CW Contest0200Z-1459Z, Jun 1
+ Wake-Up! QRP Sprint0600Z-0800Z, Jun 1
+ Kentucky QSO Party1300Z, Jun 1 to 0100Z, Jun 2
+ IARU Region 1 Field Day, CW1500Z, Jun 1 to 1459Z, Jun 2
+ ARRL Inter. Digital Contest1800Z, Jun 1 to 2359Z, Jun 2
+ ARS Spartan Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Jun 4
+ HA3NS Sprint Memorial Contest1900Z-1959Z, Jun 7
+ VK Shires Contest0000Z-2359Z, Jun 8
+ Asia-Pacific Sprint, SSB1100Z-1300Z, Jun 8
+ SKCC Weekend Sprintathon1200Z, Jun 8 to 2359Z, Jun 9
+ Portugal Day Contest1200Z, Jun 8 to 1200Z, Jun 9
+ REF DDFM 6m Contest1400Z, Jun 8 to 1400Z, Jun 9
+ AGCW VHF/UHF Contest1400Z-1800Z, Jun 8
+ GACW WWSA CW DX Contest1500Z, Jun 8 to 1500Z, Jun 9
+ ARRL June VHF Contest1800Z, Jun 8 to 0259Z, Jun 10
+ 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Jun 10
+ SMIRK Contest0000Z, Jun 15 to 2359Z, Jun 16
+ All Asian DX Contest, CW0000Z, Jun 15 to 2359Z, Jun 16
+ IARU Region 1 50 MHz Contest1400Z, Jun 15 to 1400Z, Jun 16
+ Stew Perry Topband Challenge1500Z, Jun 15 to 1500Z, Jun 16
+ West Virginia QSO Party1600Z, Jun 15 to 0400Z, Jun 16
+ ARRL Kids Day1800Z-2359Z, Jun 15
+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest2300Z, Jun 16 to 0100Z, Jun 17
+ NTC QSO Party1900Z-2000Z, Jun 20
+ Ukrainian DX DIGI Contest1200Z, Jun 22 to 1200Z, Jun 23
+ His Maj. King of Spain Contest, SSB1200Z, Jun 22 to 1200Z, Jun 23
+ ARRL Field Day1800Z, Jun 22 to 2100Z, Jun 23
+ SKCC Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Jun 26
July 2024
+ RAC Canada Day Contest0000Z-2359Z, Jul 1
+ ARS Spartan Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Jul 2
+ Venezuelan Ind. Day Contest0000Z-2359Z, Jul 6
+ NZART Memorial Contest0800Z, Jul 6 to 1100Z, Jul 7
+ Marconi Memorial HF Contest1400Z, Jul 6 to 1400Z, Jul 7
+ PODXS 070 Club 40m Firecracker Sprint2000Z, Jul 6 to 2000Z, Jul 7
+ SKCC Weekend Sprintathon1200Z, Jul 13 to 2359Z, Jul 14
+ IARU HF World Championship1200Z, Jul 13 to 1200Z, Jul 14
+ QRP ARCI Summer Homebrew Sprint2000Z-2300Z, Jul 14
+ 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Jul 15
+ NTC QSO Party1900Z-2000Z, Jul 18
+ LABRE DX Contest0000Z, Jul 20 to 2359Z, Jul 21
+ IARU Region 1 70 MHz Contest1400Z, Jul 20 to 1400Z, Jul 21
+ North American QSO Party, RTTY1800Z, Jul 20 to 0559Z, Jul 21
+ CQ Worldwide VHF Contest1800Z, Jul 20 to 2100Z, Jul 21
+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest2300Z, Jul 21 to 0100Z, Jul 22
+ SKCC Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Jul 24
+ RSGB IOTA Contest1200Z, Jul 27 to 1200Z, Jul 28
+ ARS Flight of the Bumblebees1700Z-2100Z, Jul 28
August 2024
+ Batavia FT8 Contest0000Z, Aug 3 to 2359Z, Aug 4
+ 10-10 Int. Summer Contest, SSB0001Z, Aug 3 to 2359Z, Aug 4
+ European HF Championship1200Z-2359Z, Aug 3
+ ARRL 222 MHz and Up Distance Contest1800Z, Aug 3 to 1800Z, Aug 4
+ North American QSO Party, CW1800Z, Aug 3 to 0559Z, Aug 4
+ SARL HF Phone Contest1400Z-1700Z, Aug 4
+ ARS Spartan Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Aug 6
+ WAE DX Contest, CW0000Z, Aug 10 to 2359Z, Aug 11
+ SKCC Weekend Sprintathon1200Z, Aug 10 to 2359Z, Aug 11
+ Maryland-DC QSO Party1400Z, Aug 10 to 0400Z, Aug 11
+ 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Aug 12
+ NTC QSO Party1900Z-2000Z, Aug 15
+ SARTG WW RTTY Contest0000Z, Aug 17 to 1600Z, Aug 18
+ ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest0900Z, Aug 17 to 0759Z, Aug 19
+ Keyman's Club of Japan Contest1200Z, Aug 17 to 1200Z, Aug 18
+ North American QSO Party, SSB1800Z, Aug 17 to 0559Z, Aug 18
+ CVA DX Contest, CW2100Z, Aug 17 to 2100Z, Aug 18
+ NJQRP Skeeter Hunt1700Z-2100Z, Aug 18
+ ARRL Rookie Roundup, RTTY1800Z-2359Z, Aug 18
+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest2300Z, Aug 18 to 0100Z, Aug 19
+ Hawaii QSO Party0400Z, Aug 24 to 0400Z, Aug 26
+ ALARA Contest0600Z, Aug 24 to 0559Z, Aug 25
+ World Wide Digi DX Contest1200Z, Aug 24 to 1200Z, Aug 25
+ U.S. Islands QSO Party1200Z, Aug 24 to 0300Z, Aug 25
+ YO DX HF Contest1200Z, Aug 24 to 1200Z, Aug 25
+ Kansas QSO Party1400Z, Aug 24 to 2000Z, Aug 25
+ Ohio QSO Party1600Z, Aug 24 to 0400Z, Aug 25
+ CVA DX Contest, SSB2100Z, Aug 24 to 2100Z, Aug 25
+ SARL HF CW Contest1400Z-1700Z, Aug 25
+ SKCC Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Aug 28
+ Colorado QSO Party1300Z, Aug 31 to 0400Z, Sep 1
September 2024
+ Tennessee QSO Party1700Z, Sep 1 to 0300Z, Sep 2
+ MI QRP Labor Day CW Sprint2300Z, Sep 2 to 0300Z, Sep 3
+ ARS Spartan Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Sep 3
+ All Asian DX Contest, Phone0000Z, Sep 7 to 2359Z, Sep 8
+ Wake-Up! QRP Sprint0600Z-0800Z, Sep 7
+ IARU Region 1 Field Day, SSB1300Z, Sep 7 to 1259Z, Sep 8
+ AGCW Straight Key Party1600Z-1900Z, Sep 7
+ PODXS 070 Club Jay Hudak Memorial 80m Sprint2000Z, Sep 7 to 2000Z, Sep 8
+ CWOps CW Open2000Z-2359Z, Sep 7
+ North American Sprint, CW0000Z-0400Z, Sep 8
+ 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Sep 9
+ WAE DX Contest, SSB0000Z, Sep 14 to 2359Z, Sep 15
+ FOC QSO Party0000Z-2359Z, Sep 14
+ SKCC Weekend Sprintathon1200Z, Sep 14 to 2359Z, Sep 15
+ ARRL September VHF Contest1800Z, Sep 14 to 0300Z, Sep 16
+ North American Sprint, RTTY0000Z-0400Z, Sep 15
+ BARTG Sprint PSK63 Contest1700Z-2059Z, Sep 15
+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest2300Z, Sep 15 to 0100Z, Sep 16
+ NTC QSO Party1900Z-2000Z, Sep 19
+ AGB NEMIGA Contest1600Z-1700Z, Sep 20
+ ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest0900 local, Sep 21 to 0759 local, Sep 23
+ Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW1200Z, Sep 21 to 1200Z, Sep 22
+ Texas QSO Party1400Z, Sep 21 to 2000Z, Sep 22
+ New Jersey QSO Party1400Z, Sep 21 to 0159Z, Sep 22
+ QRP Afield1500Z-2100Z, Sep 21
+ Wisconsin Parks on the Air1600Z-2300Z, Sep 21
+ Washington State Salmon Run1600Z, Sep 21 to 2359Z, Sep 22
+ New Hampshire QSO Party1600Z, Sep 21 to 2200Z, Sep 22
+ SKCC Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Sep 25
+ CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY0000Z, Sep 28 to 2359Z, Sep 29
+ Maine QSO Party1200Z, Sep 28 to 1200Z, Sep 29
+ AGCW VHF/UHF Contest1400Z-1800Z, Sep 28
October 2024
+ German Telegraphy Contest0700Z-0959Z, Oct 3
+ SARL 80m QSO Party1700Z-2000Z, Oct 3
+ Worked All Provinces of China DX Contest0600Z, Oct 5 to 0559Z, Oct 6
+ Oceania DX Contest, Phone0600Z, Oct 5 to 0600Z, Oct 6
+ California QSO Party1600Z, Oct 5 to 2200Z, Oct 6
+ Peanut Power QRP Sprint2200Z-2359Z, Oct 6
+ ARS Spartan Sprint0100Z-0300Z, Oct 8
+ 10-10 Int. 10-10 Day Sprint0001Z-2359Z, Oct 10
+ QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party0000Z-2359Z, Oct 12
+ Makrothen RTTY Contest0000Z, Oct 12 to 1559Z, Oct 13
+ Nevada QSO Party0300Z, Oct 12 to 2100Z, Oct 13
+ Oceania DX Contest, CW0600Z, Oct 12 to 0600Z, Oct 13
+ SKCC Weekend Sprintathon1200Z, Oct 12 to 2359Z, Oct 13
+ Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB1200Z, Oct 12 to 1200Z, Oct 13
+ Arizona QSO Party1500Z, Oct 12 to 0500Z, Oct 13
+ Pennsylvania QSO Party1600Z, Oct 12 to 2200Z, Oct 13
+ South Dakota QSO Party1800Z, Oct 12 to 1800Z, Oct 13
+ PODXS 070 Club 160m Great Pumpkin Sprint2000Z, Oct 12 to 1959Z, Oct 13
+ 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Oct 14
+ AGCW Semi-Automatic Key Evening1900Z-2030Z, Oct 16
+ NTC QSO Party1900Z-2000Z, Oct 17
+ YBDXPI FT8 Contest0000Z, Oct 19 to 2359Z, Oct 20
+ 10-10 Int. Fall Contest, CW0001Z, Oct 19 to 2359Z, Oct 20
+ New York QSO Party1400Z, Oct 19 to 0200Z, Oct 20
+ Stew Perry Topband Challenge1500Z, Oct 19 to 1500Z, Oct 20
+ Worked All Germany Contest1500Z, Oct 19 to 1459Z, Oct 20
+ Asia-Pacific Fall Sprint, CW0000Z-0200Z, Oct 20
+ Illinois QSO Party1700Z, Oct 20 to 0100Z, Oct 21
+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest2300Z, Oct 20 to 0100Z, Oct 21
+ ARRL School Club Roundup1300Z, Oct 21 to 2359Z, Oct 25
+ SKCC Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Oct 23
+ CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB0000Z, Oct 26 to 2400Z, Oct 27
November 2024
+ Ukrainian DX Contest1200Z, Nov 2 to 1200Z, Nov 3
+ ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW2100Z, Nov 2 to 0300Z, Nov 4
+ High Speed Club CW Contest1400Z-1700Z, Nov 3
+ ARS Spartan Sprint0200Z-0400Z, Nov 5
+ WAE DX Contest, RTTY0000Z, Nov 9 to 2359Z, Nov 10
+ PODXS 070 Club Triple Play Low Band Sprint0000Z, Nov 9 to 2359Z, Nov 11
+ 10-10 Int. Fall Contest, Digital0001Z, Nov 9 to 2359Z, Nov 10
+ JIDX Phone Contest0700Z, Nov 9 to 1300Z, Nov 10
+ OK/OM DX Contest, CW1200Z, Nov 9 to 1200Z, Nov 10
+ SKCC Weekend Sprintathon1200Z, Nov 9 to 2359Z, Nov 10
+ CQ-WE Contest1900Z, Nov 9 to 0500Z, Nov 11
+ 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint0100Z-0300Z, Nov 11
+ YO International PSK31 Contest1600Z-2200Z, Nov 15
+ SARL Field Day Contest1000Z, Nov 16 to 1000Z, Nov 17
+ LZ DX Contest1200Z, Nov 16 to 1200Z, Nov 17
+ All Austrian 160-Meter Contest1600Z-2359Z, Nov 16
+ South American Integration Contest CW1800Z, Nov 16 to 2100Z, Nov 17
+ ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSB2100Z, Nov 16 to 0300Z, Nov 18
+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest2300Z, Nov 17 to 0100Z, Nov 18
+ NTC QSO Party1900Z-2000Z, Nov 21
+ CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW0000Z, Nov 23 to 2400Z, Nov 24
+ SKCC Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Nov 27
December 2024
+ ARS Spartan Sprint0200Z-0400Z, Dec 3
+ QRP ARCI Topband Sprint0000Z-0300Z, Dec 5
+ ARRL 160-Meter Contest2200Z, Dec 6 to 1600Z, Dec 8
+ Wake-Up! QRP Sprint0600Z-0800Z, Dec 7
+ PRO CW Contest1600Z, Dec 7 to 1559Z, Dec 8
+ FT Roundup1800Z, Dec 7 to 2359Z, Dec 8
+ QRP ARCI Holiday Spirits Sprint2000Z-2300Z, Dec 8
+ 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint0100Z-0300Z, Dec 9
+ PODXS 070 Club Triple Play Low Band Sprint0000Z, Dec 14 to 2359Z, Dec 16
+ ARRL 10-Meter Contest0000Z, Dec 14 to 2359Z, Dec 15
+ TRC Digi Contest0600Z, Dec 14 to 1800Z, Dec 15
+ SKCC Weekend Sprintathon1200Z, Dec 14 to 2359Z, Dec 15
+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest2300Z, Dec 15 to 0100Z, Dec 16
+ NTC QSO Party1900Z-2000Z, Dec 19
+ AGB-Party Contest2100Z-2400Z, Dec 20
+ OK DX RTTY Contest0000Z-2400Z, Dec 21
+ Croatian DX Contest1400Z, Dec 21 to 1400Z, Dec 22
+ ARRL Rookie Roundup, CW1800Z-2359Z, Dec 22
+ SKCC Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Dec 25
+ DARC Christmas Contest0830Z-1059Z, Dec 26
+ YB Banggai DX Contest0000Z-2359Z, Dec 28
+ RAC Winter Contest0000Z-2359Z, Dec 28
+ Stew Perry Topband Challenge1500Z, Dec 28 to 1500Z, Dec 29
+ RAEM Contest0000Z-1159Z, Dec 29