PODXS 070 Club Jay Hudak Memorial 80m Sprint
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:80m Only
Low Power
Medium Power
High Power
 Max power:High: 100 watts
Medium: 50 watts
Low: 25 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:RST + (state/province/country)
 QSO Points:1 point/QSO
 Multipliers:Each state, province and DXCC country once only
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Upload log at:http://hamclubs.info/scorer
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:http://www.podxs070.com/o7o-club-sponsored-contests/jay-hudak-memorial-80m-sprint

 Future Dates
 2000Z, Sep 7 to 2000Z, Sep 8, 2024  Logs due: 0000Z, Sep 15
 2000Z, Sep 6 to 1959Z, Sep 7, 2025
 2000Z, Sep 5 to 1959Z, Sep 6, 2026
 2000Z, Sep 4 to 1959Z, Sep 5, 2027
 2000Z, Sep 2 to 1959Z, Sep 3, 2028
 2000Z, Sep 1 to 1959Z, Sep 2, 2029
 Historical Dates
 2000Z, Sep 2 to 2000Z, Sep 3, 2023
 2000Z, Sep 3 to 2000Z, Sep 4, 2022
 2000Z, Sep 4 to 2000Z, Sep 5, 2021
 2000Z, Sep 5 to 2000Z, Sep 6, 2020
 2000Z, Sep 7 to 2000Z, Sep 8, 2019
 2000Z, Sep 1 to 2000Z, Sep 2, 2018
 2000Z, Sep 2 to 2000Z, Sep 3, 2017
 2000Z, Sep 3 to 2000Z, Sep 4, 2016
 2000Z, Sep 5 to 2000Z, Sep 6, 2015
 2000 local, Sep 6 to 0200 local, Sep 7, 2014
 2000 local, Sep 6 to 0200 local, Sep 7, 2013
 2000 local, Sep 7 to 0200 local, Sep 8, 2012
 2000 local, Sep 9 to 0200 local, Sep 10, 2011
 2000 local, Sep 10 to 0200 local, Sep 11, 2010
 2000 local, Sep 11 to 0200 local, Sep 12, 2009
 2000 local, Sep 12 to 0200 local, Sep 13, 2008
 2000 local, Sep 14 to 0200 local, Sep 15, 2007