AWA Bruce Kelley 1929 QSO Party
 Geographic Focus:United States
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20m
 Max power:25 watts input
 Exchange:RST + Name + QTH + Eqpt Year + Transmitter Type (see rules for format) + Input Power(W)
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points
 E-mail logs to:wb7whg[at]arrl[dot]net
 Mail logs to:Dave Parker
1107 NW 15th St
Bend, OR 97703
 Find rules at:

 Future Dates
 2300Z, Nov 9 to 0300Z, Nov 11 and 2300Z, Nov 16 to 0300Z, Nov 18, 2024  Logs due: 0000Z, Dec 10
 Historical Dates
 2300Z, Nov 11 to 0300Z, Nov 13 and 2300Z, Nov 18 to 0300Z, Nov 20, 2023
 2300Z, Nov 12 to 0300Z, Nov 14 and 2300Z, Nov 19 to 0300Z, Nov 21, 2022
 2300Z, Nov 13 to 0300Z, Nov 15 and 2300Z, Nov 20 to 0300Z, Nov 22, 2021
 2300Z, Nov 7 to 2300Z, Nov 8 and 2300Z, Nov 14 to 2300Z, Nov 15, 2020
 2300Z, Nov 9 to 2300Z, Nov 10 and 2300Z, Nov 16 to 2300Z, Nov 17, 2019
 2300Z, Nov 10 to 2300Z, Nov 11 and 2300Z, Nov 17 to 2300Z, Nov 18, 2018
 2300Z, Dec 9 to 2300Z, Dec 10 and 2300Z, Dec 16 to 2300Z, Dec 17, 2017
 2300Z, Dec 10 to 2300Z, Dec 11 and 2300Z, Dec 17 to 2300Z, Dec 18, 2016
 2300Z, Dec 5 to 2300Z, Dec 6 and 2300Z, Dec 12 to 2300Z, Dec 13, 2015
 2300Z, Dec 6 to 2300Z, Dec 7 and 2300Z, Dec 13 to 2300Z, Dec 14, 2014
 2300Z, Dec 7 to 2300Z, Dec 8 and 2300Z, Dec 14 to 2300Z, Dec 15, 2013
 2300Z, Dec 1 to 2300Z, Dec 2 and 2300Z, Dec 8 to 2300Z, Dec 9, 2012
 2300Z, Dec 3 to 2300Z, Dec 4 and 2300Z, Dec 10 to 2300Z, Dec 11, 2011
 2300Z, Dec 4 to 2300Z, Dec 5 and 2300Z, Dec 11 to 2300Z, Dec 12, 2010