FRAPR 10M Contest
 Mode:CW, SSB
 Bands:10m Only
 Classes:Single Op (QRP/Low/High)(CW/SSB/Mixed)
Multi-Single (Low/High)
Multi-Two (Low/High)
 Max power:HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:RS(T) + power
 QSO Points:3 points per QSO with station outside of PR
5 points per QSO with PR station
10 points per QSO with KP4FRA/E/W/S/N (see rules)
 Multipliers:Each DXCC country once per mode
Each KP4FRA/E/W/S/N once per mode
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 E-mail logs to:eventos[at]frapr[dot]org
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
 Cabrillo name:FRAPR-10M
 Cabrillo name aliases:

 Future Dates
 (no dates known at this time)
 Historical Dates
 0000Z, Jul 27 to 2359Z, Jul 28, 2024