RSGB International Low Power Contest
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:80, 40, 20m
 Classes:Single Op (Assisted/Unassisted)(Fixed/Portable) 10W
Single Op (Assisted/Unassisted)(Fixed/Portable) 5W
Multi-Op (Assisted/Unassisted)(Fixed/Portable) 10W
Multi-Op (Assisted/Unassisted)(Fixed/Portable) 5W
 Exchange:RST + Serial No. + Power
 QSO Points:15 points per QSO with 10W/5W portable/mobile station
10 points per QSO with 10W/5W fixed station
5 points per QSO with non-QRP station
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points
 Upload log at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
 Cabrillo name:RSGB-LOW-POWER
 Cabrillo name aliases:

 Future Dates
 (no dates known at this time)
 Historical Dates
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 21, 2024
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 16, 2023
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 17, 2022
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 18, 2021
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 19, 2020
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 21, 2019
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 22, 2018
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 16, 2017
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 17, 2016
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 19, 2015
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 20, 2014
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 21, 2013
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 22, 2012
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 17, 2011
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 18, 2010
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 19, 2009
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 20, 2008
 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 22, 2007
 0900Z-1600Z, Jul 16, 2006
 CW: 80,40m: 0900Z-1600Z, Jul 17, 2005